Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.



Author Biography

Tonya Engst co-founded TidBITS with Adam Engst back in 1990 when publishing on the Internet was either strange or revolutionary, depending on your viewpoint. Since then, along with performing nearly every imaginable role involved in running TidBITS, she has worked at Cornell University's academic computer store (selling Macs, PCs, and NeXTs), worked at Microsoft as a technical support person, written and co-written several books, written oodles of articles for the likes of MacWEEK and Macworld, become a parent, edited various books, and found her dream job as editor-in-chief for the Take Control series of electronic books.

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After Dark Contest

The Word on Word 6

A Taste of Thai

FullWrite Upgrade

Finding a Home for Old Macs

Aldus ChartMaker

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Aldus Ships ChartMaker

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High Tech Humor

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BT Tests Video on Demand

The Word Book

Robin Williams Shows Who's Boss

New PowerBook Comments

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